End of Life Doula

A End of Life (EOL) Doula is a non medical professional that gives holistic support to the dying and their loved one in the last phases of life, during and after death. There is so much fear and anxiety about death, our own and our loved ones. Death is a natural process. We will all experience the dying process at one time or another. Talking about death doesn’t make it happen, but talking about it with an EOL Doula will help educate and support you. It is empowering to be aware of what to expect and interventions that are available. This lifts the anxiety and allows for a more peaceful and comfortable end of life transition for a dying person and their loved ones.

As an EOL Doula I have compassion to step into situations where many feel uncomfortable. I know that living a good death is as valuable as living a good life, maybe more so. Why is there is such angst and a huge gap regarding good EOL experiences?

  1. Many Baby Boomers are 65 or more. Another is that

  2. Medicare reimbursement limits the amount of time that hospice can spend with a patient.

  3. Decades ago people knew how to ‘care’ for loved ones with life limiting illnesses. This lost ‘art’ and been replaced with science.

  4. Medical advancements have allowed us to live longer, thankfully, but it has become a catch-22.

As an EOL Nurse Doula, it is my gift to be able to balance medical aspects and bring humanity and natural aspect back to the dying process. My goal is to uphold your specific EOL wishes, support your loved ones, advocate on your behalf, support you with dignity and respect as you transition onward as gently as possible.

As your End of Life Doula I will:

  • Geriatric Nurse Care Coordinator

  • Elder Care Consultant

  • Companion to the dying and loved ones

  • Suggest interventions for comfort, offer re-education and support,

  • Help facilitate unresolved issues

  • Assure that the advanced directives and health care proxy, are available

  • Educate on 3 phases of end of life and appropriate care for each:

    -Shock phase

    -Stabilization phase

    -Transition phase

  • Assess at each visit for safety concerns, support systems, and any acute issues. Be the eyes and ears to notify Hospice team of any changes or new developments.

  • Contact associated members of client’s care team as needed, or funeral home at appropriate time.

  • Creating remembrance, legacy projects

  • Planning the Vigil period

  • Sitting vigil with client and loved ones

  • Finding Peace and Acceptance, helping patient find meaning in life, and what their contribution was to this life.

  • Support the client and his loved ones and caregivers through entire end of life process.

  • 10% of services paid will be given to charity of your choice; recommending Wounded Warriors, O.U.R

Extras Available for Wellness, contact for scheduling

Movement Therapy, Pilates based.

Aromatherapy 1 - 30 min Consult Free

Aromatherapy Blends, cost TBA, based on compilation

AromaTouch Technique,

We are happy to do as much or as little as needed

Get in touch with us to discuss your situation.