Geriatric Nurse Care Coordinator


I am a licensed nurse who specialized in Geriatrics for the majority of 40+ years. As a care coordinator and then a Primary Care Provider in the home to Veterans, I was blessed to serve clients and their caregivers in their home. I learned that a more personal connection was made when care takes place in the client’s environment. This increased human interaction and observation resulted more positively in improved functional status and wellness.

Often times medical providers don’t see the whole picture in short office or hospital visits. Too often people accept negative symptoms and don’t recognize that something they are doing, or not doing are having a negative impact.

With the eyes and ears of a Geriatric Nurse Care Coordinator awareness, monitoring and education often leads to simple fixes, especially the earlier they are identified. Having an expert who can pick up on little things, before they become big issues results in increase quality and satisfaction of life.

As your Geriatric Nurse Care Coordinator I will:

  • Assess physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social well being.

    -Initial assessment, documentation @ 1 ½ -2 hours, $200.00

  • Create ongoing care plan, monitoring and coordinating assistance and routines in the home

  • Educate and support healthy optimal living; holistically.

  • Accompany and advocate for client to medical, psychological, social service, legal, financial appointments. Help client and loved ones navigate these systems.

  • Coordinate multiple providers, assure each knows of the other and their medical plan.

  • Facilitate, coordinate and mediate family meetings,

  • Educate on medication regimens, Over-the-counter meds, medication boxes, do medication reconciliations, monitor self-administration, assess effectiveness and side effects

  • Provide regular visits; in home, TeleVisits or a combination thereof. Offering monitoring, support, and looking for changes. Addressing issues early can positively impact quality of life.

  • Visit with goal on integrative health coaching for optimal holistic wellbeing, discuss nutrition

  • Safe, functional movement experience, such as going for a walk or create a safe Pilates based exercise self care plan

  • Create “My Wellness Plan” notebook & updated vital documents, Med lists, advanced directives, health proxies, consecutive Q&As inquiries and answered, appointments, resource and contact info for doctors, elder care lawyers, family.

  • Offer appropriate Aromatherapy, AromaTouch Technique or Hand ATT, or create personalized essential oil blend.

  • 10% of services paid will be given to charity of your choice; recommending Wounded Warriors, O.U.R

Extras Available for Wellness, contact for scheduling

Movement Therapy, Pilates based.

Aromatherapy 1 - 30 min Consult Free

Aromatherapy Blends, cost TBA, based on compilation

AromaTouch Technique,

We are happy to do as much or as little as needed

Get in touch with us to discuss your situation.